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Double Bind
Sindra Van Yssel
Book 2 in the Iron Butterfly Series
Meg Quinn has it all. She’s sexy, she owns her own company, and she’s used to being the boss. She doesn’t have any problem finding a date or a bed partner, but somehow none of them satisfies her as much as a good weekend challenging herself on the ski slopes – or even working.
Her friend convinces her to go to Iron Butterfly, the best BDSM party in the area. Meg can’t resist the challenge to take on a Dom or two and see what they can do. She plays with Karl, the sadist, and Garrett, the sensualist. They both want to play with her again, and they make her feel feminine and submissive in a way that delights her. They are different in every way except that they both take control. Meg would like to put off choosing between them indefinitely, but she couldn’t ask for a better bind to be in.
A Romantica® ___ erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave
Sindra van Yssel
Chapter One
“So, tonight’s the night. I’ve told you about Iron Butterfly. Gonna try it, or gonna chicken out?” Jannah Swain leaned on her elbows and stared across the table at Meg Quinn. They were sitting in Meg’s favorite Thai restaurant. Janna was grinning.
Meg was drawn to challenges. She’d been one of a mere handful of women in her MBA class. She’d built herself a thriving cosmetics business out of the skeleton of her father’s steel company, moving past competitors who hadn’t taken her seriously. In her free time she liked to ski the black diamond slopes. Jannah had worked with her as her legal counsel through all of it and knew her as well as anyone, so she knew exactly what buttons she was pressing when she suggested Meg was “chicken.”
Still, Meg hadn’t gotten as far as she had in business by responding to taunts. While the idea of going to a BDSM party was intriguing, she wasn’t certain it was for her. “I haven’t decided. Maybe I’d rather have a quiet night at home, reading a book.”
Jannah didn’t miss a beat. “Reading, when you could be doing.”
Meg thought about it. It was Friday night, so she could take off tomorrow, although she often worked a six-day week. I should take advantage of the chance to do something different.
“C’mon,” said Jannah.
“Okay. I’ll do it.”
“Yay!” Jannah clapped her hands, stopping when a few of the other patrons in the restaurant turned to look. She dropped her voice and leaned forward. “You’re gonna love it. Even if you just enjoy gawking, it will be a blast to do once.”
Meg had never been a wallflower, but this once she might indeed just watch. She’d known about Jannah’s interest in BDSM for years and had been intrigued. Jannah liked to top, however and submissive men had no appeal for Meg. She could find men; that wasn’t a problem. Too many of them were either obsessed with their jobs or entirely too beta in the presence of a successful woman. It didn’t have to be called D/s for Meg to be aware of a power dynamic. At work, she liked bossing men fine. But when it extended to the bedroom, she tended to lose respect and then interest. Such men scratched an itch but they didn’t satisfy.
The one guy she knew who she thought might fill the bill was Blake, her CFO. But as an underling, he was right out.
So what, a Dom? She knew the terms well enough. Jannah had loaned her a few books. But she didn’t see herself submitting either. Still, she wasn’t too chicken to go look and see what other people did and who knew? Maybe she’d find something to do. If not, it would at least be a unique experience.
“So why invite me to do this now?”
“We’ve got a new place. It’s not really a club, more like a regular play party. Tons of space. Elegant. Honestly, in the old club I think you’d have been more turned off than turned on. It was fine if you were into the scene, but it was in a bad section of town and looked like an old warehouse. But this is nice. It’s in someone’s home, but they have a huge house. The only downside is it takes nearly an hour to get there.”
“Okay. The next question is what do I wear?”
“Whatever you want. Are you a top or a bottom? I’m betting you’re a top, right?”
“I don’t think I’m either. Let’s suppose I’m just a gawker.”
“Well, people will decide what you are based on how you dress. I’m going to go dressed in a leather corset and a long leather skirt and no one is going to doubt I’m there as a Domme. Some of the subs I know wear their normal clothes but strip down to lingerie as soon as soon as they get there.”
“I’m not planning on walking around in my underwear.”
“Well, it pays to be prepared.” Jannah winked. “So go with a little black dress and wear something sexy underneath.”
“The classic, good for all occasions. Okay.” She mentally sorted through her closet. “Sequins okay?”
“Oh, I think I remember that one! The one you wore ten years ago or so, when we went to the dance club?”
“That’s the one.”
“I can’t believe your clothes from ten years ago still fit you.” Jannah rolled her eyes. “I knew there was a reason I hated you.”
“I hope it still fits me. You could work out more you know.”
Jennah smirked. “While you’ve been working out, I’ve been having lots and lots of kinky sex.”
And I’ve been dating assholes and wimps. “I’ve already agreed to go, Jannah.”
“Good. I’ll pick you up in about two hours.”
“If you find a date, I don’t want to be tying you down. I could drive myself.” And I’ll be able to leave early if I don’t like it, without guilt.
“You could, but it’s in the boonies and parking is limited. Hart said they cleared a few more spaces, but it still can be kind of tight. Also, it’s easy to get lost the first time. Besides, it’s members only and you’re invited as my guest. I’m seeing this guy kinda regular like and he’s not going to be there, so I don’t want to play and I won’t be finding a date. I’m just going to hang out with friends. If it doesn’t work out for you, I don’t mind leaving early.”
“I don’t want to keep you from your friends, either.” Meg frowned. She wanted to go, even though it made her feel uncomfortable. Meg Quinn didn’t back off from anything.
“You are my friend, Meg. And this way, I get to hang out with you for an hour driving there and an hour driving back. Instead of driving alone. I’m acting out of enlightened selfish interest, as usual. This once, let me enjoy being your personal tour guide to the dark and scary world of BDSM.”
“Tour guide, huh?”
“A quick tour and then I’ll let you explore by yourself. If everyone thinks you’re my girlfriend, you might not be able to find a guy for yourself.”
“I’m just watching, Jannah. Not cruising.” But I’ll be keeping my eyes open.
“I can even let you know a few guys who it would be safe to leave with, if you like them.” Jannah grinned.
“You don’t give up, do you? I’ll pass. I’m not going to go home with some guy I just met, even if he has been vetted by my best friend.”
“Suit yourself. And I’ll see you in one hour and fifty-five minutes.”
Two hours later they were on the road. The sequined dress fit, albeit snugly. Snug was good, though. Meg didn’t think her body was perfect, but she was pretty sure guys would notice her boobs before the slight curve of her stomach, especially since the dress showed off some cleavage enhanced with a push-up bra. Hopefully any male attraction would be of the desirable kind, but there was no point in going if she wasn’t going to be open to the possibilities.
“I should have warned you to bring some flats,” said Jannah, who was wearing some herself. “Inside the house heels are fine, but there’s a bit of a rough walk sometimes
to get there. I’ll drop you off at the door and park, though and it should work.”
“Um, okay. So, do I look like a Domme or a sub in this?”
Jannah laughed. “Could go either way. You’ll have them guessing. Given that you don’t sound sure which you are, that’s a good thing.”
“Oh, I have no desire to be a Domme. None. Zero.”
“I figured.”
Meg sat back. How did Jannah figure that? Most people who knew her would have said she had a dominant personality. She liked to be in charge of most things. She might even like to be in charge in bed, if the idea of being with a man who wanted to obey had any appeal. They’ve got balls for a reason.
A few minutes later Jannah pulled up a rough gravel driveway shrouded by trees. There weren’t parking spaces as such, but there were places to pull off and the cars already parked made the driveway very narrow. True to her word, Jannah pulled up and let Meg off, then turned the car around.
The house itself sprawled. Dark wooden siding fit in with the natural setting and all the surrounding trees, but huge windows made it light and inviting. She looked around, not sure where she should go. Up a small walkway, a big muscular dark-skinned man in jeans and a leather vest was watching her expectantly. If he’s the bouncer, no one is messing with anyone.
Ordinarily, he would have held her attention, but it was the small plump woman holding a tablet next to him that made Meg stop for a moment, mostly because she was topless and her nipples were pierced with beautiful silver rings. She wasn’t beautiful, but she looked comfortable. Meg looked around. With all the trees, no one could see onto the property from anywhere else, although anyone could drive up. But if they weren’t coming to the party, why would they? She supposed it was private enough.
Maybe I should wait for Jannah. But waiting for a guide wasn’t her style. She walked up. “Hi.”
“Well hel-lo,” said the man. His exaggerated manner of speech drew an elbow from the woman, which he ignored. “Membership card?”
“I don’t have one.”
“What’s your scene name?”
Scene name? Meg had no idea. She figured Meg was common enough and no one would trace it immediately back to Margaret Quinn, head of Quinn Cosmetics. “Uh, Meg?”
“Hi Meg, I’m Chuck. And this is Sandra.”
“Pleased to meet you both.”
Sandra fiddled with her tablet. “I don’t have a Meg here on the guest list. Are you sure you’re registered?”
“Oh, I’m with—huh, I don’t know if she uses a different name here.”
“We can wait for her,” said Sandra.
“Check to see if Jannah has a guest listed,” Chuck said to Sandra and then by way of an explanation to Meg, “I recognized her car. Have you known Jannah long?”
Whew. “For years and years.”
“She’s been keeping you a secret,” said Chuck.
He thinks I’m something more than a friend.
“Yep, Jannah has a plus one,” said Sandra.
“Mystery solved,” said Chuck. “Go on in.” He gestured toward the front door.
“Thank you.” Meg looked back. Unsure what she’d find ahead, she reconsidered waiting for Jannah. But Jannah wasn’t in sight. What was the worst that could happen?
She opened the door and indeed, nothing happened. It almost could have been a party anywhere. People had cleared the foyer, but only barely and were huddled in small groups in an expansive living room, chatting. Okay, they weren’t dressed like people at most parties—one woman was naked from the waist up, another in a lace teddy and a third in skin tight leather. The men were less provocatively clothed, some wearing leather, some jeans and T-shirts. But one caught her eye immediately and he wasn’t in the living room, but the kitchen.
The kitchen was separated from the hallway by a bar and he was behind it, serving drinks. He was tall, with fine chiseled features and dark brown wavy hair, looking like Cary Grant. He had on a white shirt and black slacks and looked like a bartender at a very nice bar. He was so nice to look at it took Meg a moment to notice the couple he was serving drinks. The man was normal enough looking, medium build, with glasses, wearing a nice dress shirt and leather pants. The woman, a redhead, wore a white translucent shirt, a white bra beneath it and an extremely short plaid skirt that didn’t completely cover her ass. A leather collar went around her neck and a leash from there led to the man’s hand.
They took their drinks and then the man led the woman off down a set of stairs. Meg gawked. Well, you don’t see that every day.
“Hello beautiful,” said the bartender. “What can I get you?”
It took Meg a second to realize he was talking to her. “Um, scotch and soda, please.” She reached into her purse so she could pay.
“First time here?” asked the bartender, as he fixed the drink with practiced ease.
“Yes. It shows? And how much?”
“Five bucks for alcohol, but sodas are free. I have a good memory for faces, especially those of beautiful women. I should let you know I cut everyone off at two and even those need to be spaced. You need your senses if you’re going to play.” He slid the drink across.
“What if I just watch?” She took a sip. Watching and getting tipsy seemed like a reasonable way to spend the evening.
“With three you might change your mind and then where would we be? But it’s a shame if you’re only going to watch.” He stuck out his hand. “My name’s Garrett.”
Meg shook. “Meg.”
“If your dance card isn’t full, I’d be interested in chatting later. Maybe playing. I’ll get off bar duty at midnight.”
Wow. It’s not taking me long. And he’s gorgeous. “My dance card is empty and I’d like that,” she said. “Maybe.” Was he a Dom or a sub? And what did he think she was? Her instinct said he was the kind of guy who’d want to be in charge, but he seemed so normal.
“If you keep saying yes to strange men, your evening will fill up fast. Maybe is safer.”
“Good advice.” There wasn’t a stool or anything to sit on, which was probably to discourage people from hanging around and talking to the bartender. A bare-chested man walked up and asked for two drinks. Garrett gave her a wink before turning his attention to his customers.
“Already have a drink, I see,” said Jannah, looking breathless. She put her hand around Meg’s waist. “Come on, I’ll show you around. You really should have waited for me.”
Meg shrugged. She didn’t like the idea of depending on someone else when she could manage herself. But she let Jannah steer her further into the house.
“So, here’s where we start.” There was a small room at the end of the passageway, with a couple of chairs and a coffee table. One wall was glass, however and Jannah headed for that wall. Two young men, who couldn’t be much older than college age, were already standing there, looking down.
Through the glass and down, one could see what must have been designed as a racquetball court. In one corner, however, a woman was tied naked to a large X-shaped frame of wood, her back and bottom already a deep pink from the flogging her Dom was giving her. A young man in his underwear not much older than the two at the wall was suspended from the ceiling, caught in a web of rope an older woman was weaving around him. Another woman was bent over an odd leather-covered bench of sorts, her skirt lifted up and her ass as pink as the one on the cross. Her Dom, a heavyset man, was reaching into his bag. Meg watched as he pulled out a cane. To her surprise, the woman on the bench turned and when she saw what he had in his hand, grinned.
So she’s a masochist. Why should I be surprised? Still, that would take some getting used to. Meg was curious as to what it felt like to be flogged or caned. Somehow the woman’s expression had changed her instinctive outlook on it all. Clearly, what was going on was not abuse or someone suffering for someone else’s pleasure. The enjoyment was mutual, at least for some.
“Ready to run yet?” asked Jannah.
“Of course not,” sai
d Meg, trying to keep the frost out of her voice. Jannah knew her better. Besides, she hadn’t finished her drink.
“Okay, then let’s go mingle. I’ll introduce you to some people.”
Meg nodded, letting Jannah lead. They went past the bar. She flashed a smile at Garrett and got one back. Talk to him later, check. Jannah guided her past the gaggle of people near the entrance to head for three people who were gathered near a velvet-covered mahogany couch that looked like it belonged in a palace in France somewhere.
One was sitting on the couch, a tall man with dark hair and hints of Native American in his features, wearing black jeans and a western shirt. The other, a curvy Latina, was naked and kneeling facing him, her gold dress folded neatly beside her. The third, a mucular blond man with ruddy features, sat in a nearby chair, looking good in leather pants and a black dress shirt. There was one chair empty.
“Hey Jannah, who is your friend?” asked the Native American man.
“Everyone, this is Meg. She’s a newbie.”
Oh great. But she supposed everyone was new at something sometime. Still, Jannah didn’t have to announce it. “Uh, hi.”
“Meg, this is Hart Wolfe, master of ceremonies here. And the young lady is Vanessa, his sub.”
“At ease, Vanessa,” said Hart. “Hello, Meg.”
The woman turned and smiled at Meg. “Welcome, Meg. I hope you like it here.”
“Thank you, Hart. Thank you, Vanessa.” It was odd to carry on a perfectly ordinary conversation with a woman who was naked and kneeling, or for that matter a man who she was obviously kneeling for. But then again, her first board meeting, with a bunch of old farts who knew her father better than her, wasn’t exactly a walk in the park either. If she acted as if she were comfortable, she soon would be.
Jannah indicated the blond man. “And this is Karl, who builds a lot of the, er, special furniture you see around here.”
“Ah. Hello, Karl.” She’d look at his handiwork later. It sounded like an interesting hobby.
“Why hello, Meg.” Karl gave her a quick sweep with his gaze and then met her eyes. It made Meg tingle. “Very nice to have you here.”