DoubleBind Page 3
“I won’t go easy on you.” He glanced at his watch. “But I understand you’re meeting Garrett in about an hour and I won’t rush you faster than you’re ready for. So if we don’t get to it all, there may have to be a next time.” He grinned.
His grin looked evil. How did he know about her discussion with Garrett? “Are you mad?”
“No. You’re new to the scene and you should experience all sorts of things. I think it’s fair to say we have different approaches.” He gestured to the cross and Meg remembered she was supposed to be taking a position at it.
She stretched out. The cross had a lean to it, so it supported most of her weight. It definitely wasn’t enough to take a nap on, but for bare wood it was pretty comfortable.
“Well done.” He wrapped a soft cuff about her wrist. A wrap-around bit of Velcro held it fast and he clipped it to a bolt on the side of the cross. “Tug on that.”
She pulled hard, expecting the Velcro to come off and the cuff to unravel and let her free with one hard jerk. To her surprise, it held.
“See? Nice and secure.” He moved around to the other side and cuffed the other wrist the same way.
Great. Now I can’t go anywhere. She reminded herself he’d promised to stop if she uttered the word red, and Jannah said he could be trusted.
He bent down and cuffed her ankles. He used chains to give them more slack. She could adjust her feet several inches, although she couldn’t get them closer than about a foot. She twisted her neck to look at Karl, who was straightening up and unbuttoning his shirt.
“Why are you taking your clothes off?” She’d agreed to a flogging, not to sex. Not that sex with him was out of the question if she got to know him better. He was certainly attractive enough, but she didn’t like the idea he was making assumptions.
“Because the temperature in this house is set to make sure naked slave girls don’t get cold and if you turn out to be able to take a flogging well, I’m going to be working up a sweat, so I’m taking my shirt off.”
Naked slave girls. Did he mean like her? She wasn’t all the way naked and she definitely wasn’t any man’s slave. Karl removed his shirt and folded it without being persnickety and set it on top of his bag. He had a broad muscular chest and while he didn’t have as narrow a waist as a cover model ideal, his abs were well defined. Maybe I should have had someone less built give me my first flogging. He could hit hard if he wanted to.
“Do you mind if I touch your back?” Karl asked.
That seemed like a harmless request. “That’s fine.”
“We’re going to start with this.” He picked up the blue flogger with one hand and with the other he stroked her back between her bra straps. He draped the flogger over her shoulder, the light tails brushing her breasts, the handle dangling against her shoulder blade. “Tell me when you’re ready.”
She didn’t know whether she was ready or not, but she appreciated him taking his time. “Go for it,” she said.
He chuckled. “As you wish. A word of warning, though. I always honor a safe word, but I’m not always a service top.”
“What’s a service top?”
“A top who does whatever his bottom wishes.”
A beta with a flogger. “Good. I don’t want that.” She took a breath. She’d decided to experience this. She might as well have it be as authentic as possible. “Do what you like.” Maybe he should make a few assumptions, after all.
“Good girl.” He took the handle of the flogger and slowly pulled it back, so the tails tickled her shoulders. Then it was gone. “Face front, Meg. And close your eyes, not that there is anything to see. I want you focused on feeling.”
She complied.
Swish. The flogger’s tails were light on her back, not painful at all, any more than his hand had been. He flicked them against her again and again, slowly building up intensity, but it still didn’t hurt. It changed from a caress to a massage. As the minutes flowed by, she began to relax. She wasn’t sure she could drift off while he was doing that, but she could definitely space out.
Then he flicked it against her ass and got her attention. It stung there, not much, but enough to notice. She fidgeted for a moment and decided she liked it fine. She stuck out her ass for the next blow.
“Good girl,” he said again. He caressed the curve of her backside with his hand before continuing. A few minutes before, that would have felt aggressive. Now it was welcome. She felt a familiar tingling between her legs. Yeah, this is sexy. And not at all painful.
He withdrew his hand and flogged her butt some more. She found herself wiggling to it and craving a more intimate touch. He flicked the tails between her legs, much more lightly than his other swings and her eyes opened. It felt good and she hadn’t expected that. But then, it was just leather rubbing against her clit and her pussy. Not really a blow, even. She wanted more.
“Like that, do you?” he asked.
Rather than doing it again, he flicked the flogger against her back. This time, though, the tails wrapped around her torso, so the tips of them lightly stung the side of her breast. Then again, on the other side.
He pressed his chest against her back and she could feel his breath on her neck. “And that?” he whispered.
“Yes.” Even though he was swinging much lighter, there was something about having her breasts and pussy whipped that seemed even more decadent than stripping to her undies and getting a flogging. And she was getting a kick of the transgressive nature of what she was doing. She’d always liked crossing boundaries. Shocking people. Not that anyone here was likely to be shocked, but it still felt good.
“Good.” He draped another flogger over her back. This one was heavier. She glanced and sure enough, the tails were purple. “You can take more for me than this, can’t you?”
More for him. The phrase captured her attention. She barely knew him. Why should she do anything for him? And yet she wanted to please as well as experience. “Yes.”
He drew the flogger back and struck her back with it. Thwack. There was no grunt of exertion from him, but she instantly knew the difference. She closed her eyes again and gritted her teeth as the second blow came on the inside of her left shoulder blade.
“Breathe, girl.”
She hadn’t been aware she’d been holding her breath. She let some air whoosh out and the next blow didn’t feel as hard. Maybe it wasn’t. Maybe she was getting used to it. He built up a rhythm again. The tips of the tails stung, leaving a brief sensation of fire on her back, that quickly faded to a pleasant warmth.
I like this. There was definitely no “for him” involved. She’d gotten through the first few strokes out of determination, but now it felt good. Her whole body felt alive and she became aware of the tingling in her pussy again. Her breasts felt heavy. She wished the flogger could be everywhere at once, because she didn’t want it to leave her back, but having it only there deprived everywhere else.
He put an arm around her torso below her breasts and pulled her so she wasn’t pressed hard against the frame, but her back was against his chest instead. Then he flicked sideways, the tails striking her back and wrapping around to sting her breast again. “Ow!” It startled her. The tips barely missed her nipple. He flicked around the other side and this time caught the sensitive peak through her bra.
Her nipple felt like it was on fire. “I said ow,” she complained, annoyed that hadn’t made him stop or even slow down. “That fucking hurts.”
He held her tight, his arm like a steel bar. “I know. I heard you. I want to hear you say it again.”
Oh, fuck. What was the word to make him stop? But she didn’t want him to stop, exactly. Even if her nipple felt like it was burning, because the fire seemed to go in a line straight to her pussy. “Do that again and I will.”
“I will. When I want to.” He moved to the side without letting go and the tails of the flogger came up to sting her ass.
The flogging on her back warmed and relaxed he
r, once she got used to the sting, but on her ass it was different. Her panties had to be soaking by now. She wondered if he could tell. The tails were landing inches away and each blow seemed to make her clit ache more. She wanted to touch herself, but her hands were tied. Besides, there was the open door. She didn’t care if Karl saw, but the idea of some stranger seeing wasn’t for her. “Touch me?”
“I’m touching you.” He gave her waist a squeeze.
“No. Not like that. I’m so turned on.” She was used to asking for what she wanted, but she remembered what he said about not doing what she told him.
“I’m not going to touch you intimately, Meg. We didn’t negotiate that and it’s not good to change during a scene. Maybe next time.”
Next time. She didn’t know if there would be a next time, although maybe. For something that hurt, it felt pretty good and she felt strangely sexy being half-naked and all tied up, with a man flogging her. Okay, there probably will be a next time, but that doesn’t help me now.
“Not with my hands. Only with the flogger.”
Bastard. That’s what you wanted all along. She hesitated and while she did the flogger swooshed onto her backside again, stinging even as it turned her on.
“Music to my ears.”
She braced for a swat on her pussy, but instead he flicked the flogger around to her breast. It stung, but the tails gripped her for a moment almost like a hand. She arched away from the cross as well as she could, trying to give him good access. He moved around, flicking first one side and then the other, the warmth of his body never far away.
“Spread your legs further.”
She wasn’t at all sure she could take the heavier whip there. But she did as he directed. There was only one way to find out and her clit ached for touch, any touch.
The flogger caressed her pussy. He didn’t swing it nearly as hard, flipping it between her legs. The tips landed just past her clit, against her pubic mound, their energy largely spent. But the middle of the tails pressed hard against her pussy and he drew the flogger back in such a way that they rubbed as he did so. He did it again. She wasn’t sure if she could come from that, but she thought maybe she could.
“So aroused,” he whispered. “I love it.”
Maybe he’s going to make me come.
He let her go. She felt something heavier on her shoulder. She didn’t have to open her eyes to know what it was. The red flogger. He drew the other flogger slowly between her legs and then she heard it as he dropped it on the table.
“This one is too heavy to use on your sensitive areas. But your arousal will help you take it for me.”
“Wonderful,” she said, sarcastically. I was getting close!
“I think so.” He pulled the flogger off her shoulders and pushed her against the frame. The unspoken message was clear. You need to be braced for this.
The flogger landed heavily against her back. It barely had any speed behind it and still it made her cry out. “Oof.” A second blow, harder, knocked the wind out of her. It didn’t sting like the second one had, so it wasn’t precisely pain. It was more of a thud. Like falling onto a bed.
The strokes came slower, too. She had time to breathe between.
“You can do this, Meg,” He said softly.
“Yes.” It surprised her, but she could. Each stroke made a loud smack and shook her whole body.
He moved to the side and thump went the flogger against her ass, reminding her how turned on she was.
“Ass feeling nice and warm?” he asked, as he flung the tails thudding against her again, from the other side.
Not just my ass. Her pussy wanted attention, but not from the red flogger. There might be a reason it was the same color as the safe word. It was fine on her back or her butt, but it wasn’t going anywhere else if she could help it.
“Hmm?” he prompted.
“Yes. Very.” It felt hot, without burning. Like it had been near a fireplace, but maybe too close. Comfortable and good, but she wasn’t sure how much more she wanted.
“Okay, good. Last toy.” The red flogger made a thud when he tossed it back on the table and she twisted her neck to look. He had the riding crop in hand.
He moved to the side and tapped on her bottom with it, lightly at first, getting her used to the way it felt. The shaft was rough, the tip stingy. Nothing she couldn’t take.
“This is for me, Meg,” he said softly.
“What is?” It didn’t feel like much so far.
He drew back and suddenly a line of fire appeared on her backside. Where the tip struck stung extra, as if dotting an exclamation point. “Ow!” she yelled. “Ow ow ow!”
“I was sure I could get you to say that for me again.” Karl sounded pleased with himself, as he went back to tapping, avoiding the line where he’d struck. She didn’t know whether that made him crazy, or her crazy for finding it easier to take because he was pleased. And the sting was fading. Her arousal wasn’t.
“Do you think I’m crazy?”
“No, not at all. I’d very much like to do that again. Six, I think, would be a good number.”
“You’re kidding me.”
“At least one more,” she said. She had a feeling she’d be feeling it for a while, but it was sore now, not intensely painful. Knowing it would fade helped.
He didn’t wait before putting another line below the first, on the underside of her bottom. She whimpered and wished she hadn’t. She wanted to be stoic.
But then he touched her shoulder, gently and said, “Lovely,” to her. She’d pleased him. She’d never been particularly eager to please, but somehow that was enough.
He stung her again, this time above the others. Another, below. She didn’t try to count. When he was done he’d let her go. As soon as her hands were free and she could find some privacy she’d have the orgasm of her life.
“All done,” he said softly. She supposed it had been six, as he’d said. She closed her eyes and felt as the fire faded into warmth.
Then he placed the crop between her legs and she froze.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to hit you with it. I don’t think you’re that much of a pain slut. This is reward.” He moved the crop up to her pussy and angled it so the woven shaft pressed against her clit through her panties. He moved it back and forth, as if she were a violin and the crop the bow.
He played her expertly. A few strokes and all the tension that had built inside her released. She went weak in the knees, but the cross held her. She couldn’t fall. She couldn’t resist. She could only come, in wave after wave, her whole body tingling and shaking as her pussy fluttered and contracted.
At last she collapsed, sweaty and exhausted against the frame. Karl withdrew the crop and put his hand on her shoulder again. “Good girl,” he said, softly. His touch was warm, comforting, grounding. She tried to tell herself she didn’t need any more. She’d had a strange but wonderful new experience, followed by an explosive orgasm. But somehow, there was something missing.
Chapter Three
Garrett stood inside the doorway. He had picked up his bag, containing rope and a few other things, from the closet he’d stashed it in. It was twelve minutes after midnight and he’d watched as Karl had used the heavy bull-hide flogger and then the riding crop on Meg. Now he was bending to undo Meg’s bonds, with only the most fleeting of touches. Friend, you have magnificent skill with your toys, but you still have some things to learn about women. Just because you don’t need cuddles after you come, doesn’t mean she doesn’t.
After Karl had her loose, he stroked her back and then worked on putting away his toys. Meg stepped back from the cross. It was strange to see the confident woman he’d seen looking so lost, but he didn’t blame her. She needs to be held, you idiot. Karl was a master at what he did and Garrett knew Karl cared more for his playmates than his toys. But he couldn’t
blame Meg if she felt otherwise. Karl turned his back on her for the better part of a minute.
Meg looked over and saw Garrett. For a moment, they locked gazes. Then, suddenly aware of her state of undress, Meg crossed her arms over her chest, then turned away. She picked up her dress and pulled it over her head. What a shame. She had a nice body and Garrett was hoping to see more of it.
His bag packed, Karl turned and noticed Garrett as well. “Ah, it’s that time, isn’t it,” he said. He wasn’t talking loudly and Garrett was across the room, but it was a small room and well shielded from the other noises of the house, even with the door open. They would have had to whisper to not be audible.
“Yes,” said Meg. “I suppose it is.”
Garrett didn’t take it personally that she didn’t seem excited by the prospect. What Karl had done with her was deeply affecting and Meg would naturally feel a connection, especially if he was the first person who flogged her. Even if he’d left it at the flogging, most women would have wanted Karl to hold them. Karl probably thought providing her with an orgasm was a substitute for that, but instead it made it worse.
“Well,” said Karl. “Have fun. It was great playing with you.” He gave her a big bear hug and then let her go. For a moment Garrett thought he was going to shake hands.
“Yeah,” said Meg, looking dazed. “It was great playing with you, too.”
“Hope to do it again sometime.” Karl pulled out a card, tucked it in her cleavage and turned to go.
Garrett could only shake his head. He stepped forward as Karl left the room. “If you need some time to recover from that, it’s understandable,” he said. “That was pretty intense.”
“Were you planning to whip me, too?” Meg asked.
“No.” He didn’t correct her, even though to most in the scene a whip was a single-tail or the like. He knew what she meant. There was no point at doing something Karl was better at than he, anyway. He brushed a stray strand of hair from her cheek and her eyes widened at the touch. He smiled.
“I guess I do need a moment.” She shook her head. “How much of that did you see?”